Ranas Model piloting phase

During May 2023 the piloting phase of the Ranas Model was implemented at the ITIS Pininfarina in Moncalieri (Torino). The piloting phase was structured as follow:

  • the school and CIFA selected 16 students among secondary classes to become “champions”;
  • LABC trained those 16 students during 2 preliminary afternoon classes:
    – 1st meeting: presentation of the project, of the RANAS model, of the “Outcome star” used as strategy to foster behavioural changes.
    – 2nd meeting: based on the outcome star results, development of thequestionnaire.

LABC implemented interventions in 15 classes; each intervention lasted 2 hours per class and was run with two students champions in each intervention to present the project, implement the questionnaires on students smart-phones, facilitate debate and collect feedback from the classes
a 3rd meeting with students’ champions was then organized to share feedback on results of the evaluation of the questionnaires as basis for the forthcoming action plan to be implemented in the next phases of the project

Globally, over 320 students were involved in the development of the piloting phase.

9 June online meeting

The coordination meeting on 9 June was very rich and full.
We shared some updates on things done so far (Ranas activities in Italy, agreements with schools in other countries, CPP, etc.) and resumed the timetable of activities that are envisaged in the project.
In addition, we started to draw up a communication plan and made a short TOT on some technical tools we will be using.
During the meeting we also attended an interesting training on how to develop a local community engagement strategy with the support of Giacomo Pettitti of Roeto, a certified facilitator. In this first stage with him we started reflecting on how to create an effective group, on the #mapping of community actors and what are the issues at the centre of this type of involvement. Looking ahead to next year, we started to plan the next steps that will help us organise and facilitate a public event on environmental issues in June next year; although it still seems like a long time away, we definitely want to arrive ready!
Following this, we have planned our next events.